About one year ago, I received the news that I would have a solo exhibit in the main lobby of the University of Michigan Health Systems in Ann Arbor, MI. I was told that I had a very large space to fill and that they would like it to be filled with large paintings. So I've been painting large! Prior to learning of my acceptance, I hadn't painted many large works. Since learning of my acceptance, I've painted as large as 8-1/2 feet wide! It seems I'm being tested to try new things.
I brought nine paintings with to be included in the exhibit. Six of them fit nicely. The majority of my paintings in the exhibit are 48" x 36" with the largest being 60" x 36". The theme of this exhibit is Fields of Flowers. This photo shows the partially installed exhibit.
When I read that as many as 10,000 people per day would view my works, I thought it was a typo. But when I visited the University of Michigan Health Systems, it was clear that it would be very likely to have that many people pass through the main lobby. If you are in the Ann Arbor area, I encourage you to visit this medical center and view the many exhibits on display there. Fields of Flowers will be on display through August 15.